Green Conversion - start making large savings on your fuel bills now!
This site can help you with a house renovation, house extension, eco house or even building a new house, all highly insulated to reduce fuel bills and carbon emissions.
If you would like a warm, cosy eco home with:
A reduction in energy bills of at least 50%.
Very high levels of insulation, with no cold spots.
Draughts eliminated by draught proofing.
A constant supply of fresh, filtered air (with heat recovery from warm moist air being extracted from your home).
An agreed specification, programme and in particular a fixed price for the works before they commence.
Perhaps an entirely renovated home including a new kitchen, bathroom(s) and an integrated home automation system.
We have prepared this site as a resource to homeowners. We are not builders, consultants are advisers. The intention is to inform homeowners of what is available, approximate costs and payback.
If you would like to view the blog on the green conversion and renovation of a Victorian London apartment, click here.
